Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The beauty of letting go

The Beauty of Letting Go

Everyone has its own heartache in life and sometimes it takes long, long years before we can overcome it but I guess sometimes, we still did not let go of the things or people that we have to set free because we are still holding on to the promise that they will come back to us or maybe the attachment that they brought to us that definitely strikes us back or perhaps, just perhaps because we still did not find the right person that captured our heart to a thing called “ F O R E V E R “… ( mmmm, yes, I do believe in forever!, hahah ! )

Maybe you are now in your mid 20s or early 30s then you started to worry about your future self if you can still manage to find a partner or you can still overcome the heartaches of the past that makes your life miserable or let’s say that makes you afraid of doing something new. 

my friend maean =)

Sometimes letting go is the hardest part of loving someone. As we know, not all loving and sweet couples that we know ended up into tying the knots and growing old with loving children. Some of them, just fed up or simply had misunderstandings and ended up into breaking up.

Love is more than just a romantic thingy that makes your stomach tickled by some butterflies or you get blushed when someone says sweet words to you or just simply about the thing called feelings that almost all people are trying to induced. L O V E is more than that.  Because L O V E is more than how you feel or what you perceive, it is a total commitment to a person and a gift from God which you have to share and devote your life. If she gets sick, then you will be her nurse. If she feels lonely, then you will be her clown. If she feels hungry, then you will be a chef… that is how love and commitment should abide.

What if suddenly, that someone started to get busy and he stops to send sweet messages to you that you used to have or that you lose that butterflies in your stomach or that you started to ask yourself if you still have feelings for that someone? What will you do then? Mainly, you will lose affection because we love others because they loved us but what if you started to feel unloved? Yeah, of course you will let go of that someone and will find new one, isn’t it ironic? Then all your promises will turn into shattered pieces and all those sweet words will be harsh…

So what’s next?

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Let go of your heartaches, your burdens and you failures and mistakes and let GOD do the rest. Sometimes, we just have to keep silent in prayer and rest for a while in carrying heavy loads that we are dealing in our daily lives and unload it with God. He always have big plans for you and He makes your path straight as He always see what lies ahead of you and surely that he never fails. 

The art of letting go is letting God take the lead and entrusting Him to take over your life. So today, embrace God’s mighty power and everlasting love. Experience the beauty of letting go of the pain you are feeling right now and enjoy God’s way of writing your own love story which He really wants you to have. Remember, our God is greater than movie director and author of a storybook which you are fond of so be calm and pray for it.

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And the next time you fall in love or got heartaches, you know better what to do and I hope and I pray that your L O V E will be F O R E V E R.


Barbie Young

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